Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

Overview :

Course Description

A production process diagram showing the interrelationship between process equipment and devices used for process control In the processing industry, a standard set of symbols is used to prepare process drawings. The hardware symbols used in these graphics are generally based on the International Automation Association (ISA) Standard S5.1

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Program Goals

-Enriching and developing the trainee’s experiences and refining his skills with the foundations and methods of using piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) to understand the operational processes in factories and through them to understand other fields of industry such as mechanical, electrical and electronic operations.

At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

Knowing and understanding the methods of reading industrial plans according to international standards

Understand factory operations

The skill of analyzing industrial operational problems

The ability to analyze other problems such as electrical and mechanical problems.

The ability to make preliminary drawings of operational processes.



Evaluation Strategy

A project is being made to complete the course. The project aims to ensure that the trainee understands the scientific material.

Also, the assessment is done through a multiple-choice question program for all trainees, and the assessment is immediate


Course details

Main topic: An introduction to the science of graphs and an explanation of its types



Initial engineering drawings

mass flow chart

process flow chart

material balance

graph symbols

1- Introduction to the science of graphs and an explanation of their types

Piping and hardware diagram

Piping and hardware diagram symbols

line numbering

Valve numbering

Equipment identification



Diagram of piping and devices for valves and equipment.3

Interpretation of piping and valve hardware diagrams

valve types

valve identification

valve fittings

Interpretation of the piping and instrumentation diagram of the equipment



heat exchangers


Equipment identification – drawing and interpretation workshop


4- Diagram of pipes and devices for control and safety systems and engineering and electrical drawings.


Interpretation of the interpretation of the piping diagram and devices for control and safety systems

Distributed Control Systems – Electrical Area Classification

Safety System System – Lock Switch

Instrument Symbols – Font List

Instrument Signal Lines-Pipe Drawing

Pressure Tools – Take Off Material

Temperature Instruments – Isometric

Flow Tools – Equalizer List

Detailed engineering drawings

Plot plan – drawing and interpretation workshop


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